Installation and use of IoT-based Sensors for Real-time Monitoring of Pollution in Surface Water Bodies in Ile-Ife, Nigeria

The novel workshop, jointly organized by West and Central African Research Education Network (WACREN), the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), and the Institute of Ecological and Environmental Studies (IEES) of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Nigeria, was held within the premises of OAU from February 19 to 23, 2024. Amid concerns about water quality due to population growth, urbanization, and climate change impacts, Nigeria hosted the groundbreaking workshop aimed at addressing these challenges head-on. The event brought together experts in environmental science from various universities in Nigeria including experts from three selected West African countries (Ghana, Ivory Coast and Togo). Dr Amatus Gyilbag (Acting Registrar of the UWSE), who represented Ghana in the workshop, was selected to lead the WACREN team. The workshop primarily focused on deploying Internet of Things (IoT) technology for real-time monitoring of surface water pollution. The participants were provided with cutting-edge tools and knowledge to enhance monitoring capabilities and address the pressing issue of water quality in the region.

The workshop, led by esteemed facilitators such as Prof. Clement Onime, Prof. Solomon Gizaw, and Dr. Kingsley Onyebuchi Obodo, featured a series of training sessions and hands-on activities. From learning about IoT applications and solar energy technology to delving into data science and data visualization, attendees gained valuable insights and practical skills essential for effective environmental monitoring. On the final day of the workshop, a deployment session led by Prof. Onime showcased the application of IoT technology in monitoring water pollution at the Okpa River. The event culminated in a commissioning ceremony attended by the Deputy Vice Chancellor of OAU, showcasing the successful implementation of IoT-based sensors for real-time monitoring.

As the workshop concluded, accolades were extended to the facilitators and organizers for their exceptional contributions to advancing environmental monitoring using IoT technologies. The event not only equipped participants with enhanced knowledge and skills but also paved the way for future collaborations and research leveraging the potential of IoT technology in addressing water quality concerns. The innovative workshop marked a significant milestone in efforts to safeguard water resources in Nigeria and beyond, demonstrating the transformative impact of technology in environmental conservation and sustainability.

Dr Amatus Gyilbag (Acting Registrar of the UWSE), who represented Ghana in the workshop, was selected to lead the WACREN team.