Be part of the future, to train the next generation of youth who will be transformers for positive development through water science and engineering applications.

Over 42% of Africans would be between 15-30 years by the 2050, and a large majority require a push on a transformative education and curriculum to catapult them to the next level - we are happy you can be part of this story.

School of Water and Food Engineering

School of Water and Food Engineering

This school is focussed on developing the soft skills for every student with fundamental practical exposure to robust programming language, business ideas conceptualisation and financial proposal development and the creating the possibility for business incubation and idealisation.

School of Design and Automation

School of Design and Automation

This School is focussed on bachelor to postgraduate training in providing cost effective solutions for supporting the design and manufacturing, software and communications industries with practical hands-on advances in fluid technology and engineering by blending art, science and emerging information technologies.

School of Arts and Careers

School of Arts and Careers

This school is focussed on developing the soft skills for every student with fundamental practical exposure to robust programming language, business ideas conceptualisation and financial proposal development and the creating the possibility for business incubation and idealisation.