The Centre serves as an interdisciplinary in development studies focused on the climate – water – energy – food (CWEF) nexus. The Centre aims at understanding complex issues that are intrinsically interconnected in our world and within Sub – Saharan Africa, through the lens of addressing sustainable development objectives. Research and other activities will also provide scientific support for development studies focused on CWEF through addressing their process and impacts from a social, cultural, environmental, ecological and political perspective; as well as provide local and global understanding of the people, organizations, practices and knowledge arising from development – related activities arising from the  interconnections between the CWEF, human well being, poverty reduction and sustainable development. The Centre is also geared towards developing high quality research capacity and supporting innovation that is internationally respected.

Centre within the larger UWSE academic landscape will also focus identifying and upgrading fruitful pathways towards realising capacity for human resources and the creation of an institutional and policy framework in the research and higher education field, including providing positive impacts on innovation and socio – economic development.